Attorney Ethics Violations
As a New Jersey attorney, you are well aware of the fact that a violation of ethics is one of the most serious charges you can face. Accusations of ethics violations threaten an attorney’s very livelihood. Penalties can range from suspension to the loss of an attorney’s most valuable asset – his or her license to practice law in the State of New Jersey. Kearns Rotolo Law understands the gravity of this situation and offers its legal services to New Jersey lawyers facing such charges.
Appointed by the NJ Supreme Court to its District XIII Ethics Committee, Victor Rotolo, founding partner of Kearns Rotolo Law, served in the capacity of Vice Chair and Chair of the District XIII Ethics Committee (2009 to 2011). Through this service, Mr. Rotolo gained insight into the investigative and prosecutorial stages of such cases before both the District Ethics Committee and the Disciplinary Review Board. Now Mr. Rotolo uses his perspective from this first-hand involvement in numerous ethics violation cases to represent his fellow attorneys facing ethics violation charges.
Attorney Ethics Violation Charge Representation in the Initial Phases Is Crucial
While most ethics violation charges are without merit, steps need to be taken to promptly address these charges allowing for the least amount of negative impact on an attorney’s reputation within the community and his or her practice area.
In order for an ethics violation claim to be found valid, the evidence must be substantiated convincingly and concisely. Most grievances filed cannot meet the evidentiary burden of proof by “clear and convincing evidence” and, therefore, charges are often dismissed in the investigative stage. This is why the involvement of an experienced attorney during the initial phase of an ethics violation case is crucial.
Reasons Attorney Ethics Grievances Are Filed
Ethics violation charges against an attorney are often filed by disgruntled clients unhappy with the outcome of their cases or by clients looking to avoid paying their bills. Some grievances may even be filed by opposing litigants who are seeking to lay blame on another attorney only because they were unsuccessful in securing a positive outcome on behalf of their client. Regardless of the reason and whether or not the claim has merit, any ethics violation charge requires the immediate and steadfast attention of an attorney experienced in the area of attorney ethics.
Victor Rotolo, NJ Ethics Violation Attorney
Victor Rotolo is a New Jersey attorney that represents his peers in the area of ethics violations. Because of his past involvement in the New Jersey District XIII Ethics Committee and his familiarity with the Disciplinary Review Board of the Supreme Court of New Jersey, Victor and the members of the Firm are prepared and equipped to assist clients through any or all phases of defense in the area of attorney ethics violations.
At the onset, the Firm offers rapid, expert analysis of the case to determine whether or not any ethics were in fact violated. If, during this initial analysis phase, the Firm determines there appears to be “clear and convincing evidence,” the Firm will advise the client and provide a sense of what type of consequence the client faces if that burden of proof is met.
For those whose cases do progress to trial, early intervention by Kearns Rotolo Law may enable negotiation of a lesser penalty avoiding suspension or, even worse, loss of license. The attorneys at Kearns Rotolo Law will draw on their experience and will put forth every effort to obtain a ruling that will enable the attorney to continue with his or her practice of law in the State of New Jersey.
Kearns Rotolo Law understands the grave nature of any ethics violation charge and takes such grievances very seriously.