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Client Reviews
Thank you for choosing Kearns Rotolo Law to represent you in connection with your recent legal matter. We value your feedback and invite you to review and rate your experience with our Firm on one of the online platforms listed below.
Since online reviews are becoming increasingly important across industries and in business in general, you may find it beneficial to establish an account on one or several of the platforms listed below, so you are able to rate and recommend your vendors and establishments of choice.
If you choose to do so, click on the name of the platform below, and you will be given instructions on what you need to do to submit a review.
Reviews for Anthony P. Kearns, Esq.
- Avvo: does not require account.
Reviews for Victor A. Rotolo, Esq.
- Avvo: does not require account.
Reviews for other Kearns Rotolo Law Attorneys
- Avvo: does not require account.
Note: Avvo allows you to submit your review anonymously.
Reviews for Kearns Rotolo Law
- Facebook: requires Facebook account.
- Google Business Profile: requires a Gmail account.
- does not require account.
Note: All of the platforms listed above identify the reviewer either by name, user name, or account name. Therefore, be aware that your review may not be anonymous.
Reviews for Kearns Rotolo Law, Anthony P. Kearns, Esq., Victor A. Rotolo, Esq., or other Firm attorneys
For your information, components of an online review would be to:
- mention you hired the Firm, Anthony P. Kearns, Victor A. Rotolo, or another Firm attorney;
- indicate the type of case (divorce, injury, DUI, accident, criminal, etc.);
- provide a few sentences that detail your experience with the Firm, Anthony, Victor, etc.
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We greatly appreciate your feedback and thank you sincerely for taking the time to review and recommend our legal services.