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August 2024 – Taking a Stand Against Violence – Safely

Seinfeld fans may remember the sitcom’s finale in which Jerry, Elaine, George and Kramer witness a carjacking and are arrested for violating the Good Samaritan Law when they fail to intervene. While that episode may have made for good television, the writers took poetic license with their interpretation of the law.
Rather than punishing people for failing to report or stop a crime, the Good Samaritan Law protects medical personnel and private individuals from liability should something go wrong when they come to someone’s aid. The intention is to encourage more people to help victims of crimes, accidents, or medical episodes without fear of retribution. That’s good to remember when attention is focused on the obligations and responsibilities bystanders have in making our communities safer.
August is Bystander Awareness Month, bringing attention to the role we can all play in stopping abusive behaviors such as domestic violence, sexual assault or harassment, and bullying. It’s unfortunate but these behaviors do occur in our schools, our workplaces and even within families where we should feel our safest.
The 9/11 attacks spawned the “See Something, Say Something” campaign still used today to encourage people to report wrongs they may witness. Ignoring signs of abusive or criminal behaviors doesn’t make them go away.
Bystander Awareness Month not only encourages people to take a stand against violence but educates them on how to do so safely by following one of the three D’s:
- Direct – Speak up if you can without putting yourself in danger. Tell the abuser their actions are unacceptable; ask the victim if they need help.
- Distract – Make a sudden loud noise—drop something, shout, set off your car alarm—anything to divert attention and diffuse the situation.
- Delegate – Call for backup. Report the incident to a security guard, law enforcement, a teacher, the HR department—someone better equipped than you to intervene.
Silence can be perceived as acceptance and may even encourage these behaviors, while standing up against them could save a life.
Let’s watch out for one another and, as always, stay safe.