Important to You
December 2016 – This Holiday Season, Focus on Safety

Robberies and vehicle thefts are two of the 10 most common crimes committed around the holidays. It’s no wonder. We’re rushed, preoccupied and often let our guard down. Thieves can be smart – we need to be smarter.
While at the mall …
… Shop with friends, if possible. Don’t wear expensive jewelry or restrictive clothes or shoes. Take only the credit cards and cash you’ll need.
Purchase only what you can safely carry. Combine small packages into larger bags for easier handling. Don’t block your field of vision and keep a hand free to open your car.
Avoid revolving doors because, with good timing, a thief can easily grab your bag and get away before you get through the door.
Stay away from darkened hallways and empty wings – including restrooms that may be located there, especially near closing time.
Save your expensive purchases until the end so you can go straight home.
While in your car …
… Make a note of where you park and park close to the entrance when possible. Otherwise, park in a well-lit area near a busy roadway. Stay away from large vehicles; thieves use these as cover. Lock your doors and windows, close your sunroof and take your keys!
Secure valuables in your trunk or locked glove compartment. If you need to unload some packages before you finish shopping, move your car to a new spot to throw off anyone who may be watching.
When shopping alone and leaving the mall, walk with another group of shoppers if you can when returning to your car. Look around your car and in the back seat before entering.
More precious than any purchase is our children. Never leave children alone in the car no matter how quick you think you’ll be. The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children tells us 100,000 children are abducted each year, many from stores and shopping centers. Don’t take the chance.
Please be safe and have a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and a Happy, Healthy New Year!