Important to You
December 2023 – Choose Kindness

Smiling at a stranger or paying someone an unexpected compliment may not seem like a big deal, but for some people these small gestures could mean the world. Most of us are so busy chasing that perfect life/work balance that we fail to notice those around us, yet everyone is struggling with something.
As the holiday season approaches, our schedules are bound to get even more chaotic if we let them. But since Christmas is about giving, now may be the perfect time to slow down and be more intentional in our actions.
Random acts of kindness like those mentioned above are gifts that cost nothing except a little time and thought, yet their impact could be priceless. Don’t know where to start? Here are a few suggestions:
- Offer to pick up groceries, take out the trash, or shovel the driveway of an elderly neighbor.
- Baking holiday cookies? Double the recipe and drop some off at a neighbor’s, the local fire or police station, or the office breakroom.
- Slip an encouraging note into your child’s lunchbox or under their pillow.
- Volunteer to walk or play with animals at your local animal shelter; donate old towels and blankets for their use, too.
- Hold the door for the person behind you; let a motorist merge in front of you.
- Make dinner for a friend or co-worker who’s recently had surgery or a baby.
- Volunteer at your local non-profit, food pantry, or soup kitchen.
- Write a note of appreciation to your child’s teacher, your mail carrier, or an old friend.
- Next time you buy a coffee, pay for an extra for the shopkeeper to give to another patron for free later.
- Mentor a new co-worker; compliment a colleague to your boss.
- Make someone laugh.
This list is limited only by our imagination. Everyone – young or old, rich or poor – is capable of kindness. It’s the one gift that not only blesses the receiver but the giver as well.
“Peace begins with a smile.” – Mother Teresa
Wishing you and yours a Merry, Peaceful Christmas and a Healthy New Year!